BioMane 90 Day Challenge


Our 90 Day Challenge is back and better than ever! This year we have bigger prizes, bigger bundles, and bigger discounts for bigger transformations! We're starting this year's challenge on April 7th! 

This year's prizes include the following:

  • 1st Place: $2000*, Yeti 65 Tundra Cooler, 180 Day Supply
  • 2nd Place: $1000*, Yeti 24 Roadie Cooler, 120 Day Supply
  • 3rd Place: $500*, 90 Day Supply

*cash prizes to be paid in the form of visa gift cards

Winners are voted upon and chosen at the end of the 90 day challenge period.

How To Join:

  1. Purchase a 90 Day Challenge bundle.
  2. Print out the "Before" sign from the this link:
  3. Take 2 Photos of your horse with the before sign in the photo. One shot from the side to see the whole mane, and one from the back of the horse to see the whole tail. 
  4. Fill out the form below with your name, email, phone number and before photos. 
  5. Start feeding BioMane to your horse on April 7th!

Example photos: